Our reason for being

Our reason for being

Our organization

Organized in expertise poles, we combine our know-how to serve our customers.

Our internal structure and the synergy of our teams are the keys to the success of our company.

Carried by our enthusiasm for our missions, the work climate is friendly and serene. 

Our commitments

We want our teams to flourish within the company.
Our Quality of Life at Work (QWL) approach is a strong commitment that is concretely translated into support for our employees throughout their professional careers and their working conditions…

It starts with integration.

When you are hired, we do everything possible to ensure that your integration takes place under the best possible conditions.

• The welcome booklet and the company’s code of conduct are given to you and explained to you on your arrival.
You will have a discussion with the HR department which will present the values, the raison d’être and the vision of the company.

• You will be offered a personalized integration program according to your function; its objective is to plan time for exchanges with each player in the company in order to understand the interactions between the different departments.
In this perspective, in order to accompany you in the best possible way, your sponsor will be introduced to you. He/she will be your business referent.

• At the end of the trial period, you will carry out an end-of-integration assessment with your manager, including an astonishment report.
This is an opportunity to make a structured return, on both sides, on the work experience lived during the first months.
You and your manager will verify the alignment of each other’s expectations.
The feedback report also allows us to improve and make the integration a success!

• Our commitment to the Quality of Life at Work (QWL) is also illustrated by various initiatives:

– A co-optation system: an employee can recommend an application and will receive a bonus if an employment contract is concluded.

– Welcome breakfasts to introduce newcomers to the teams.

– Various friendly internal events to punctuate the year.

– Seminars and team buildings to bring the teams together.